Saturday, December 12, 2009

Artistes pledge support to President

Several renowned artistes pledging their support to President Mahinda Rajapaksa at the forthcoming presidential elections, called for all to support the President for an era of peace and prosperity.

Rohana Weerasinghe, Sumithra Peries, Malani Fonseka, Neela Wickramasinghe, Douglas Siriwardena, Ravindra Randeniya, Somaratne Dissanayake and Jackson Antony addressed the media at the Mass Media and Information Ministry yesterday. Veteran actor Ravindra Randeniya declared their unanimous decision to support the President.

“Just six months ago, the whole of Sri Lanka lived in a state of fear. We didn’t know whether we would return home at night. Freedom was the dream of all. It took 30 years to achieve due to there being no proper political leadership,” he said.

Randeniya stated that the President’s patronage to cinema was unparalleled to that of any other leader, as he took an active interest in the pertaining issues.

Announcer Renuka Balasooriya called out to the people to open their eyes to the great fortune that the past year had brought forward.

“I never thought I’d see the country as it is today. We should not forget what we underwent during the past three decades.

A lot of people have forgotten this. Before thinking of their mouths and stomachs, they should first think of being alive, a freedom which we have regained after many years,” she said.

Film Director Somaratne Dissanayake denying allegations that artistes were being used as pawns, said the accusers should first query the reason of being pawns.

He said being pawns for a mission of wisdom, knowledge and culture, was one they did both willingly and proudly.

Noting that it was his first political press experience, actor, director and producer Jackson Antony noted that he had decided to become politically involved due to the revolution the President had brought forward.

President had proved himself as a charismatic authority, a leader of the people, one who did not bow down to western dictatorship.

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