Sunday, January 18, 2009

Statement by Hon. Gordon Brown in Parliament on Sri Lanka

Rt Hon Gordon Brown -Prime Minister of the UK
His Excellency the President of France
The Hon Secretary-Foreign Affairs-UK


I am writing regarding the statement by Hon. Gordon Brown in Parliament that he was going to discuss with President Sarkozy a move to pressure the government of Sri Lanka into a ceasefire with the Tamil Tiger terrorists now that the Sri Lankan government forces finally have the Tamil terrorists on the run. No doubt it is because of the pressure on the British Government by LTTE supporters and backers in the U.K. To Mr.Sharma when Mumbai was attacked it was by "terrorists" but the Tamil Tigers to him are not terrorists even though they are considered the most brutal, ruthless terrorists in the world today. Compared to the Tamil Tigers, Al Quaeda are said to be amateurs.

For thirty years Britain has been the base for Tamil terrorists who have used Britain to fund the atrocities in Sri Lanka. Fundraising for Tamil terrorism also takes place in France, Germany and other European countries as well as Australia, Canada and the U.S. The headquarters of the LTTE is in London. Their chief spokesperson, Anton Balasingham lived and carried out his work for Tamil terrorism in London. His wife, Adelle Balasingham still lives in London. She was the head of the women suicide brigade involved in their training and she hung cyanide capsules around the necks of the suicide brigade when they graduated. She attends LTTE rallies, as does Mr. Sharma under the noses of the British Government and British police even though the LTTE is supposed to be banned in Britain. Britain has all these long years overtly and covertly helped the LTTE to operate their murderous campaign in Sri Lanka. It is terrorism when bombings take place in Britain and Europe and it is condemned. However when thousands are killed in Sri Lanka it is not considered terrorism. When are these double standards going to end? To even consider a ceasefire now is to give a new lease of life to the Tamil terrorists. Is it that Britain wants more people killed in Sri Lanka? Having provided "support" for Tamil terrorism, is it not acceptable to Britain that finally Sri Lanka may be free of Tamil terrorism?

I am copying below an article from the Washington Journal of January 15, 2009 which I hope you will read as it may give you a different perspective. If, Britain, France and other European countries oppose terrorism as they say they do, then it is time to help not hinder Sri Lanka in it's long struggle against Tamil terrorism.

Yours truly,

Ira de Silva
London, Ontario, Canada

* Article
Defeating Terrorists: