Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The anti-Ahmadinejad conspiracy failed just like the Tianamen Square affair

The failed plot to oust the democratically elected Iranian President Mohamed Ahmadinejad provides features of an extremely interesting ‘experiment’ being tried out by the US agents and neocons. Its analysis may be useful due to the potential for future deployment of similar conspiracies in Sri Lanka by the unhappy imperialists.

The attempted plot by the West to topple the democratically elected government of Iran showed signs of significant differences from the other campaigns in Georgia and Ukraine in that it was pre-planned, technology-based and was remotely controlled to an unprecedented degree. The operatives behind the plot include a collective of the Iranian Diaspora in California (who were forced out of Iran together with the Shah during the 1979 revolution), the CIA, NGO fronts of the CIA, and American wires Associated Press (AP) and Agency France Press (AFP). The BBC of course was at its usual, disgraceful worst.

An analysis of the sequence of events, its media coverage and the sense of cautious anticipation of ‘results’ from the White House, the State Department and other Western capitals clearly showed the level of preparation that had gone in to this sinister attempt to undermine democracy. The experimental nature of the plot dictated that they quietly monitor developments and act gradually, rather than expressing open, aggressive support to their agents due to the fear that the mainstream Iranians would be turned away by US support.

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